You are the Chrononaut, one of the first test subjects in a time-travel experiment. But something has gone horribly wrong, instead of arriving in the target year 2153, you have been sent to the year 3512. With no perceived way home, you are forced to navigate your old facility in an attempt to rebuild the machine that sent you here. Acquire the GravFlip™ device, Rebuild the Time Machine, and vanquish any threats that stand in your way...

Gameplay Explanations:
The player must acquire the GravFlip™ device to groundpound, during a ground pound the player is immune to all projectiles and enemies.

Killing an enemy or clearing a checkpoint will grant the player 2 more projectiles(player can only carry 2 at once).

Deacceleration fields slow down the player, prevent them from jumping, prevent them from gravflipping, and prevent them from groundpounding.

Check the settings menu to find the control scheme for the game!

Noted On-Screen Control Bug: If the button to toggle on-screen controls doesn't work refresh the page! That should fix it!

The player can aim up by holding the up button and firing. This can also be done while the player is moving.


Level 1 Song - Alien Blues:

Level 2 Song - On My Way:

Footstep SFX:

The main menu music, controls art, and other sounds was made by our group member Haadi Khan!

The game art sprites were created by group member Jiasheng Lu!

The game scripting, level design, and UI design were done by AJM and Paul Suh.